Indian Scout Easy-Install Engine Crash Guards

Indian Scout Easy-Install Engine Crash Guards
Want to protect your bike with some engine guards, but don’t like how the OEM products look like afterthoughts? Our Bobber crash guards are made of 3 separate parts for each side, easing assembly without binding against the bike. Our products look like they were designed for the bike, because they were.
The tube is black anodized aluminum. The upper and lower mounts are CNC machined from 6061 billet aluminum and black anodized.
Assembly is simple:
Remove the peg mount from the frame, and loosely install the lower mount
Loosely install the upper mount (be careful - the threaded hole in the frame/cowling is slightly angled!)
Slide the tube into both mounts, leaving the bolts until it’s in place - leave loose
Using thread locker, gently install both bolts into the threaded holes on the underside of the mounts. The bolts are long, and pass through the holes in the underside of the tube, to press against the upper inside of the tube. Leave bolts loose but almost fully installed
Ensure everything is lined up, tighten up the upper mount, then lower mount, then the tube bolts
Installation guide is here
Customer Neil D. Was kind enough to share photos and videos of his installation. Thanks Neil!
Customer installation review - crash guards
Customer installation review - crash guards - fit with OEM size wind guards